Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bulbs in my yard!!!!

Southern Hospitality is having a linky party too....and I guess I just like going to parties (at least in cyber world...) Anyhow it is for "what I found this weekend" and I think most people will post their shopping goods, but I am posting my bulbs, because they made me really happy :) I cut just one of these pretty pink tulips down, because I couldn't dare cut the few I have. It looks so pretty in my kitchen, just a single tulip...

I think these tulips are called "Queen Mary?" Or "Queen of the Night?"

My first year for the pretty Hyacinth....smell yummy too!

Love daffodills, but only butter yellow ones, I don't love the bright yellow ones...

And my crocus (Ugly name, but cute little flowers too, first ones up, through the snow!)
And don't feel bad about my garden, the reason I took these photos at such a wide aperature is so the background would fade out and you wouldn't see the rest of my weedy ugly yard...( and I am not just saying that, ask Megan!) And PLEASE come visit the rest of our blog FRESH POPPY DESIGN...we have tons of decor, crafts, and of course quilts! (was that a bit desperate?)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Makeover Staircase...

This is going up my staircase and before it was just a huge wall because it is all the way up to the top of the second floor. I knew I wanted to do something here. I took my favorite photos, made them black and white and got them printed. Then I waited for a fantastic sale on some frames I liked, and finally JoAnn's had a clearance on all these frames that are sparkley and vintage looking. I bought them all. Hope you like this makeover. We would love you to come check out the rest of our blog and become a follower! We have a lot of decorating, crafting, and quilts!

PS I am also linking up with The shabby chic cottage
also The Stories of A to Z, check them out!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thrifty decor ideas

My son's room has tons of decorations in it, and it was all done very inexpensively. I use a lot of scrap fabrics and papers when I decorate.
This was a gift my sister made, a growth chart we can take wherever we go. Her husband cut and built the frame, she decoupaged paper on the inside and painted the numbers. Now I added the vinyl lettering of my son's names, and I'm keep track of their height on the sides! I absolutely love this. I made these flags from leftover fabric to go across the rail of the "loft". I just used pinking sheers to cut the flags and sewed them into double folded binding that I purchased for a couple dollars.

This is the reading nook under said "loft". We put white Christmas lights underneath, which my son loves and it absolutely brightens the space. The trunk is my hope chest which had already been painted, so I painted over it to add the argyle. I made the pillow and doggy from leftover fabrics from his bedding. And in the frame is a picture of him pondering, and it says "The Adventure's of Sawyer".

Here is his crib, where I did make all the bedding. I won't say it was easy or fast, but it definitely was cheaper than buying! The frames are mirrors from Ikea, $1.99, I painted them and glued in my own photos. I spray painted the shelves to be brown. The "S" was plain from JoAnn's, I added the paper and ribbons...let's see, anything else? And no, I didn't make his blessing outfit that is hanging, I wish I did though :)

I really love Sawyer's room! It is kinda jam packed with decor, but it makes me happy whenever I walk into it! Thanks for visiting our blog!
And this, my quilting friends, is my very first quilt! Looking back there are some changes I'd make, but I do love it.
PS Check out Decor Mama and her fabulous site, she links up every Friday to show off your fabulous thrifty finds!

Monday, April 20, 2009

I made a knit HAT!

I made this hat!!! I am so proud of me!

You know sometimes you start a project with big ideas in mind? Lots of the time (at least in my case, the final project is not as cute as it is in my head). Well you knitters out there are probably embarassed for me and how proud I am, but I love this little hat! I learned basic cast on , knit, and pearl stitches from Grandma, but never learned to read a pattern. Anyhow, I did this without any human help! Just a fabulous book (I will post it next hat,) and you tube videos (who knew?)

I learned to knit on circular needles, learned about double pointed needles, learned to make pom poms too. The stitches were just basic knit and decreasing, a perfect starting project...Now I just need a cute little guy to put in this hat (counting down the days...)

What projects have turned out as cute in real life as they are in your head?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Winner winner

And random chose...
Kasey said...
oh, fun.xo
April 15, 2009 7:21 AM

Kasey please go ahead and contact us!

Thank you everyone for entering, and especially those of you who posted about it on your blog! We will be having more and more giveaways so keep checking back!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Ta-da! Another giveaway! Aren't they the best? The giveaway is for THREE handmade fabric headbands! We really love these ourselves, espeically for the days you don't have time to get totally ready, you can feel a little cuter with som adorable fabric on your head :) And, pardon me, they're so FUN!
Here's the deal....if you post this on your blog for us, you'll be entered in an additional FIVE times! And you can use any of our photos if you wish when referncing us.

We will use random generator for the winner on Friday April 17th. Also, when we reach 51 comments, we'll do an additional drawing for three more! So tell your friends for more chances!
Please leave a comment and tell us your newest craft adventures or what you wish you were crafting! As for us, we're going to be pro knitters very soon :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mommy's Quilt for Sophie

My Dear sweet Mommy made this quilt for Sophie when she was born a year and a half ago. So sweet huh? It is called "blooms for Annabelle" by Vicki Bellino of Bloom Creek.

I love this pattern. And Mom did such a great job, and it will stay in this condition, because Sophie isn't allowed to touch it! (she has about a thousand others she can touch.)

Check out the gorgeous quilting! It is done by my Aunt Wendy. She is super fabulous at what she does. I love getting my quilts back from her. She makes any quilt 100 times gorgeouser (is that a word?)

Sophie is the 28th of my Mom's grandchildren (i think) And this little boy in my tummy only 2 years later be 34! We are a bunch of rabbits!!!

Oh, and the nicest thing about my mom and her quilts, she actually lets us pick it all out. She lets us pick the patterns and fabrics for our babies quilts, so we are sure to love them. We highly recommend this strategy! Thanks Mom.

PS Ladies! We are having a GivEaWaY of something fab in the next 48 hours so you better check back! Thanks for visiting!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Cute Easter egg craft....

Easter Craft

How cute are these? There are tutorials on a few sites, but I liked this technique at this site...super easy, and cute.
You will only need cute scrapbook papers, probably lightweight, mod-podge, and glitter. I glued little paper flowers and rhinestones to cute them up a little more...

Plus these are great crafts for kids (not too young, pretty messy) probably 6 & up. My girls had fun making them. Hope you like them, and Happy Easter! Check out This is the year for other mod podge projects!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We're available for purchase! Hooray! Please visit our Etsy shop, there is a link here on the side. And don't forget we'll be having another giveaway soon, so keep posted!