Friday, July 23, 2010

Giveaway Winner, and Girly MOD TWEET quilt top!!!

Okay, lets start with the girly quilt top that I am SUPER happy with. I kept trying to envision the finished quilt top and I wasn't totally happy with what my brain produced. But the real thing turned out FAB if I do say so myself! Seriously I am in love with this quilt and the fabrics.  So this is definitely a girl or boy pattern...

I love all the bright colors. These are all mainly from Amy Butler's Love collection.  The aqua and green really pop.
Added a wing this time. (It is in the pattern too)

Now I am not being dramatic here. But this may be ruined!

I am going to attempt to machine quilt this myself...

I got a nice sewing machine for Mother's Day and I have been playing around with the freemotion quilting. I am ready to give it a try on a real quilt...scary!

I will start, and if it is going bad I always have a seam ripper handy. Doesn't that sound fun?

Any advice from anyone?

Okay, on to the winners of the patterns...

SY, MERI DRAKE, K. DAVIS, CARLA, and DESERAE... email me your addresses and I will send you all out your patterns.

Thanks for all the nice comments from everyone.

And Peeps, we are just a few people away, please get us to 300 followers??? Pretty please??? Megan and I get really pathetically excited when we have such milestones :)


  1. I love free motion quilting. It is so relaxing and fun at the same time. My advice, practice, practice, practice. Also, don't stress to much about little boo boo's, they blend in when the project is complete :)

  2. i thought i was already a follower, but i guess i wasn't with my "sewsara" profile ... so i just put you to 299!

    toooootally forgot to enter the giveaways :(

    LOVE the girly version of the quilt. you guys are awesome!

  3. this is so pretty! I love your applique blocks. Free motion is my favorite favorite way to mentioned above, practice a ton on some scraps to get the rhythm and see what works best on your machine! Congrats and good luck, cant wait to see the finished quilt!

  4. Aww, this is just the sweetest project! I love all the fresh, girly colors. I have no advice for quilting. Good luck with it though! Thanks for sharing. Happy Sewing! :o)

  5. First of all, THANKS!!! I'm a winner!WOO HOO!!
    In answer about the quilting, I say "drop those feed dogs and go for it!" I just did that on a small quilt top that's been finished for a YEAR just sitting in my "to-do" pile. I scolded myself (beacause I'm easily distracted by pretty new fabrics, patterns, get the idea...)and committed to finishing it before starting another thing! And now it's just about done! I just did some echo quilting, some feathery,paisley-looking motifs (all eye-balled...NO WAY will I mark a quilt, no sir...) and whee! I'm ready to start a new project!

  6. i received the pattern in the mail, it's so cute. thank you so much.


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