I am a slacker mother who should probably be on a large prescription dose of medicine treating ADD. I still don't have my little baby's quilt done. It is in a box cut up and somewhat pieced waiting for me to put in a few hours and focus. I was a big old lazy fat butt when I was pregnant, and knitting was exhausting to me. So I never finished his quilt, and now that he is 3 months old, I just don't seem to find the time. Thankfully a nice dear person made my baby this quilt.
This is my baby's first and only quilt. Made by a super nice person who knows who she is. Thanks and we love it! Weston is super snug!

I love all the
polka dot prints. Who doesn't love some polka dots? The more the better right? And I think the super cute print in the middle with the little dear and frogs is a M
ichael Miller. I am not sure though.

And it is backed with the yummiest
swirly green
minky. I want to get naked and snuggle with it.

I love the color combination here too. Makes me happy...

And here is my little orange boy. (he had a jaundice issue for 6 weeks!, you have not seen a poor little heel get pricked so many times...he is better and pink and perfect now)
Ummmm now I just want to get my baby and snuggle on him for a few hours with the
tellie...then I will lie to my husband when he comes home from work and tell him the baby has been horrible that is why the house is a mess and you don't get dinner...(
TMI again? Am I the only one who would do such a horrible thing?) Hope you like this quilt. And the ADD must be genetic, because Megan and my Mother have still not delivered any quilts for this yummy baby!
PS We will be listing this at
the shabby chic cottage ,
the pretty organized palace,
the inspired room and
my romantic home! We love parties!
Mother just finished your quilt today! HA! I will bring it over tomorrow when I babysit. I guess you get your slacking geneticly (is there such a word)
Love the quilt!!! I hope you like mine.
What a super duper nice person to give you a fantastic quilt. Oh poor weston this will be the story of your life with 4 older sisters, at least he is not wearing hand me downs from kenna!
That quilt is so cute...and so is the baby on it of course!
I know, I am so awful! My quilt for Weston is 80 % done, and mommy gets to do the binding :D I love everything about that quilt! The colors, patterns, L-O-V-E!
aww that makes me hungry for my baby to arrive in january!
i'd totally get naked and snuggle w/ that quilt. i mean, not your quilt, but one like it. haha :)
That quilt is ADORABLE and so is the baby!
pk @ Room Remix
It is so cute - thank goodness for friends!
The quilt is beautiful and the baby soooo cute of course. I;m having a giveaway this week if you'd like to stop by.
What a sneaky way to get that cute little face noticed! :) The quilt is pretty!
I love your quilt! Your baby is DARLING! Snuggle time with my kids is like therapy, and anytime I can curl up with them for snuggles, the rest of stuff(dinner, house, husband) can just wait. :-)
Oh how sweet! And so is the quilt!!
The quilt is sweet....but sweeter is your adorable babe!!!!
My Thanksgiving decorations are posted today for show n tell Click Here
Yeah, TMI. LOL. But the quilt is cute, as is your wee babe. How sweet of your friend to make it for you. Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving season!
Beautiful baby... and quilt, too!
My babies were jaundiced too so I remember the heel pricking and laying them in the sunshine to get rid of it. Ahh, memories.
The quilt is beautiful. What a great friend to make such a treasure. Love the Michael Miller print. Saw some the other day and didn't know what to do with it... so thanks for showing to give me inspiration!
That is such a cute quilt!
Both baby and quilt are adorable!
Oh what sweet pictures of your baby and a very nice quilt~ My boys had jaundice as well so I am familiar with having some orange baby pictures ~Thanks for sharing~ Blessings Heather;D
The quilt is cute and I love the colors! Your baby is adorable!
What an adorable quilt. What an adorable baby!!!
That really is a gorgeous quilt, and your baby is as sweet as can be! Don't be so hard on yourself, though, Mom. He's only three months old, so you've been busy with important things. The rest will get done in time... ;o)
Use any excuse you can to spend as much time snuggling with that sweet boy of yours -- dinner can always be out of the freezer and there will be lots of time later to clean house.
Advice from a old Nana!
Sweet Quilt!! Love those fabrics. Yumm..
A quilt to remember ...
Keep this story and post, print it out and save it with the quilt, in years to come they will be treasures.
Thanks for sharing, and have a GRAND weekend.
this quilt is gorgeous but not more than the sweet little baby on the quilt. it is beautiful
Such a sweet little guy! the quilt is nice, too, *smile*!
What an adoable baby and quilt, too.
I think your honest is as adorable as this baby with his quilt! You only have this time with him once.
My what a dear little baby! ~ And that quilt; adorable!~ I especially love the colours!..,
As a childless woman, (though married to my sweetie of a husband for 27 years), I never, ever cease to drink in the wonderment and preciousness of new babies! All the joy that your little bundle of joy brings, and all that he will be to you and your family as he grows!
~ I'm "misty eyed", yet sincerely sooo happy for every new mom; and in this case my dear,that new mom is you!
~All the best!.., What a treasure from heaven!
Cheers from Silken Purse
Aww cute adorable baby with a gorgeous quilt to match! Love thos polka dots too
I would NEVER take a snuggle break and then lie about it (read dripping with sarcasm). A mama's got a right to snuggle as much as she wants!!!
Love the quilt, love the baby!! I always appreciate TMI from others, makes me feel right at home!! Thanks for sharing!
What an adorable baby!!! So cute!!! The quilt is beautiful too. Very nice friend you have.
That is a great friend to have. What a beautiful baby boy, gaush I miss mine being that small...
just had to say i do that all the time.. y'know, say the baby was HORRIBLE all DAY and so I didn't even get the floor swept.. and he was really so awesomely cute that I couldn't bear to do anything but 'nuggle all day :D
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