Hobby Lobby threw up all over my mantle!
The candlesticks were ugly damask black and white (they matched my window treatments so I thought I should have them. I never liked them) I nearly threw them out, but remembered about spray paint. I may spray paint them seasonally. I really liked how they turned out.
Oh, and the cute sparkly pumpkin on the glass candle holder, it was part of a garland. I got 5 sparkly pumpkins for $10, so $2.50 each. I LOVE them alot, I could snuggle them daily.
Yes, that is a reciept in the bottom of my apocathery jar. I wanted to see if I could get a better deal. Or maybe I will return it after fall and I switch out my mantle (JK!)
Let me know if you Love, Like, indifferent, or hate. We love comments!
I once heard a friend refer to her friends house as "It looks like tai pan barfed up in there! Gross!" (Tai Pan is a fabulous monster affordable decor warehouse). I started out with a few clusters on each side, but kept adding and adding. I think I like the final result. Do you?
This looks Fabulous! You have a great eye for placement and color. Thanks for the inspiration!
I love it! It looks a lot like what I did with my mantel, too, and I got most of my things from Hobby Lobby and Michael's. Great job!
I think it's great! Very fall-harvest :).
I LOVE how your mantle turned out. Now, will you come barf all over my house?
Very nice. I love all the layers and different heights, really looks great.
I love Hobby Lobby Barf!
I LOVE it. In my dream world I would own Hobby Lobby so any day I wanted I could walk in, fill up a cart or two and waltz out to redecorate my house.
Wow! Usually I like simple, but I'm really loving this! There's so much beauty here, and you can keep looking and looking and still find new little details that you missed before. Love@
Love it! IT looks fabulous!
Barfarama! I love it. Love the arrangements and colors, it looks great!
I LOVE it! I think it looks happy & fall & fun to me. I'd definitely keep it as is.
Definitely love it! Beautiful.
Autumn is my very favorite season, and this epitomizes it. I think it's beautiful! Want to come and decorate my mantle? lol nancy
You made me look!!! (and it looks great!)
It's fabulous!!
I love it also. Hobby Lobby is my favorite store(I have so many favorites though) I could get lost in there for hours looking at everthing!
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